19. - 22.4.2012 BROADCAST - Ausstellung im Funkhaus

Curated by Amir Fattal and Wil Murray

April 19th-22nd, 2012
Funkhaus - Kantine
Nalepastraße 18-50
12459 Berlin

Opening Party: April 19th 19:00-22:00
Duration: 20-22.04.2012 12-17h

Even by Berlin standards the daily journey travelled to the studio by the artists of Broadcast is surreal: from the black tower of Ostkreuz, past the jail-turned-condos with a view of an unused ferris wheel and through the Gilliam-esque Heizkraftwerk, they arrive at the anachronistically guarded gate of The Funkhaus. Inside, every hallway is lit like a De Chirico painting. But behind every door they have carved out their own real space from the institutional/industrial surreal. Using its rooms like hundreds of larynxes, they are broadcasting again from the Funkhaus.
Curators Amir Fattal and Wil Murray combed these voices, and selected 20 artist’s works to exhibit in the complex's former canteen. BROADCAST displays the occasional harmonies made between artists working privately in a sprawling and often mysterious institution.

Hendrike Bake
Daniele Bordoni
Nadja Bournonville
Sabatino Cersosimo
Sabine Klar
Konstantin Kunath
Sibylle Jazra
Liz Little
Julia Ludwig
Wil Murray
Michael Picke
Charlotte Richter
Ulrich Schäfer
Max Schreier
Tor Seidel
Joachim Seinfeld
Kurt Von Bley
Peter Wilde
Jonas Wilisch
Gloria Zein